Prime minister of India Sri. Narendra Modi dedicates to the Nation 
in remembrance of Indian War Hero's
 who had sacrificed their lives for the Nation.

This was a very long pending demand by our
 Ex-Servicemen  and it is materialized now

Our Exwel trust salutes them.


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Will fulfil your requirements, Rajnath tells jawans in Siachen


Proud of all personnel who are leaving no stone unturned to defend motherland’

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday arrived in Kashmir to assess the situation on the borders and hinterland in J&K and also visited a forward post at the highest military installation at Siachen glacier, located at a height of 5,400 m, in Ladakh.

It was Mr. Singh’s first visit to J&K as Defence Minister.
“I am proud of all Army personnel serving in Siachen who are leaving no stone unturned to defend our motherland. I am also proud of their parents who have sent their children to serve the nation by joining the armed forces. I will personally send a thank you note to them,” said Mr. Singh.
He was accompanied by Army chief General Bipin Rawat.
Mr. Singh made an aerial reconnaissance of Siachen to get acquainted with the expanse of the formidable frozen frontier and landed at one of the forward posts there, said an official.
He praised the Army for its “unstinting commitment to face extreme harsh weather and highly treacherous terrain for maintaining the sanctity of our borders.”
Describing Siachen as the world’s most inhospitable location, the Minister said the government would fulfil all the requirements for jawans posted at the glacier.
He also laid a wreath at the ‘Siachen War Memorial’ in memory of the soldiers who have made the supreme sacrifice.
Sources said the Army’s top brass briefed the Minister about the border situation in Kashmir and Jammu regions.
He was also apprised about the operations being carried out in the hinterland in the Valley and successes achieved this year.


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Forms for Download (Disbursement Form)


<< Previous

SL.NoNomenclature of the formsTo be submitted byTo be submitted to
1Application for drawal of Pension through public sector BanksPensionerPDA
2Loss certificatePDAPSA
31stpayment call letterPDAPensioner
4Form: consolidated certificates submitted at time of 1st paymentPensionerPDA
5Certificate of Re-employment/ EmploymentPensionerPDA
6Letter from PDA for family Pension/LTA paymentPDAFamily Pensioner/
Nominated heir
7Application for change of PDAPensionerPDA
8NRI Pensioners: Consolidated life certificate/ nationality certificatePensionerPDA
9NRI Pensioners :Form of Power of AttorneyPensionerPDA
10Consolidated certificates to be submitted at the time of annual identificationPensionerPDA
11Application for restoration of commuted value of PensionPensionerPension Disbursing Agencies
12PBOR :Application form for revision of Pension (V CPC) Pre-01.01.86 retireePensionerRecords Office through the PDA
13Certificate to be submitted by re-employed pensioners for payment of Dearness Relief on PensionPensionerPension Disbursing Agencies
14Affidavit by family pensioner at the time of receiving first pensionFamily PensionerPension Disbursing Agencies
15Form to claim family pension and children allowanceClaimant to Family PensionRecord Office
16Re-employment/Non-Re-employment detailsPensionerPension Disbursing Agencies
17Form to claim arrears of pension:IAFA(CDA) � 651,PensionerPCDA(P)/CDA(PD)/CDA Chennai through the PDA.
18Form to claim Life Time Arrears: IAFA (CDA) � 652PensionerPCDA(P)/CDA(PD)/CDA Chennai through the PDA.
19Indemnity Bond in case of missing pensionersWIDOWPension Disbursing Agencies
20For pensioners not able to appear in person to receive pension IAFA � 409 (containing Life Certificate, Letter of Authority)PensionerPension Disbursing Agencies
21Form for nomination Form�A� & �B�PensionerPension Disbur


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Income Tax Exemption for Pensionary benefits


undefined undefined, undefined by indianmilitaryveterans
Indian Military Veterans
Dear Veterans
Information, specific to Tax Exemption is reproduced below:-

The tax exemption of disability pension received by  Armed Force Personnel  are among those  exemptions under Income Tax Act for which you may not get a direct reference in  the Income Tax Act. However ,  such tax exemption are allowed by the executive instruction by either Finance Ministry notification or under the delegated powers to CBDT . Armed Forces personnel get the disability pension which is basically aggregate of two components-disability pension and service pension. Previously , thsi website had posted 3 Types of Pension to Armed Forces Completely Tax Free!
Disability Pension to Armed Forces : What is it ?
As per the website of Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), where an Armed Forces Personnel is invalided out of service, which is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service, he shall be entitled to disability pension consisting of Service Element & Disability Element as follows:-
Service Element
The amount of service element shall be determined as 50% of less emoluments drawn as given in para 6 of MOD letter dt- 12.11.2008 which is subject to minimum Rs 3500/- p.m.
Disability Element
·         The rates of disability elements for 100% disability for various ranks shall be 30% of emolument last drawn subject to Rs. 3510/- per month.
·         Disability lower than 100% shall be computed by reducing proportionately.
Disability Element on Invalidment
Where an Armed Force personnel is invalided out of service under circumstances mentioned in para 4.1 of Govt. letter dt. 31.01.01, the extent of disability shall be determined as follows for the purpose of computing the DE :-
Percentage as finally assessed by Competent Authority
Percentage to be reckoned for computing DE
Between 1 to 49
Between 50 & 75
Between 76 &100
Disability Element on Retirement/Discharge
Where an Armed Forces personnel is retained in service despite disability and subsequently retired/ discharged on completion of tenure or on attaining the age of retirement, he shall be entitled to Disability Entitlement at the rate prescribed for 100% disablement. For disablement less than 100% but not below 20%, the rates shall be reduced proportionately. No disability element shall be payable for disability less than 20% .
Is Disability Pension to Armed Forces Tax Free ?
Yes, although there is nothing in section 10 of the Income Tax Act , which is a general exemption section  under Income tax Act , the disability pension has been made tax free through Finance Ministry notification No 878-F (Income Tax) dated 21-3-1922 . The following instruction from CBDT explains that the entire disability pension is exempt
Instruction No 136F.No. 34/3/68-IT(AI)Govt of India Central Board of Direct Taxes New Delhi, dated the 14thJan 1970
From :Shri S N NautialSecretary, CBDT
To:All Commissioners of Income Tax
Subject : Exemption – Service and Disability Element of Disability Pension granted to a disabled officer of the Indian Army – whether exempted from Income Tax.
Reference is invited to the Board’s Letter F No 42/9/59-IT(AI), dated the 5Th Sept 1960 on the above subject wherein it was mentioned that in the cases falling under Item (29) of Finance Deptt Notification No 878-F (Income Tax) dated 21-3-1922, the‘disability element’ of the disability pension received by an officer of the Army will only be exempted from tax and that the ‘service element’ will be subjected to tax.
2. On reconsideration of the matter, in consultation with the Ministry of Law, the board are advised that item 29 of the notification does not differentiate between types of  pensions. Accordingly in the cases falling under item 29 of the above notification, entire disability pension will be exempted from income-tax.3.The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all assessing officers inyour charge.
Yours faithfully,Sd/-
(S N Nautial)
Secretary ,CBDT
Confusion on Exemption Disability Pension & Service Element
As the disability pension is aggregate of two elements- disability element and service element- a confusion was created in filed formation of tax authorities , whether the disability element only is tax free and not the service element. CBDT , therefore , in order to wipe out any confusion , issued another instruction F. No. 200/51/00-ITA-1 dt. 02.7.2001 to stress that both element of disability pension is tax exempt. Read the instruction below :

[F. No. 200/51/00-ITA-1 dt. 02.7.2001 from Ministry of Finance Deptt. Of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes, New Delhi.]
Subject: Exemption from income tax to disability pension, i.e. ” disability element” and “service element” of a disabled officer of the Indian Armed Forces- Instructions regarding.
Reference have been received in the Board regarding exemption from income tax to disability pension, i.e. “disability element” and “service element” of a disabled officer of the Indian Armed Forces.
2. It appears that field formations in certain cases are not uniformly allowing disability, pension in spite of Board’s Instruction No.136 dated 14th January, 970 (F.No.34/3/68-IT(A.1)).
3. The matter has been re-examined in the Board and it has been decided to reiterate that the entire disability pension, i.e. ” disability element” and “service element” of a disabled officer of the Indian Armed Forces continues to be exempt from income tax.
4. This may be bought to the notice of all the officers working under you.
B.L. Sahu
Officer on Special Duty (ITA .1

No TDS on Disability Pension to Army Personnel
As it happens in India, everyone becomes the super authorities against the common man. The government received complaint that certain banks are deducting the tax on the disability pension . So , government issued a press release that no TDS is required on the said disability pension paid to Armed Forces personnel. Read below the  excerpt.
Press Release, dated 20-12-2007
It has been reported in the press that some banks were deducting tax from pension of disabled ex-servicemen in violation of Government instructions.
RBI was requested to have the matter investigated and remedial action taken. After examination, RBI discovered that in one specific instance, due to oversight, the pensioner’s disability pension was wrongly taken into account while calculating income-tax.
RBI has issued instructions to all agency banks to strictly adhere to the provisions of para 88.3 of Defence Pension Payment Instructions, 2005, regarding exemption of income-tax of the disability pension of the pensioners of Armed Forces. Banks have been advised to issue suitable instructions to all their pension disbursing branches that income-tax should not be deducted from the disability pension paid to the pensioners of the Armed Forces.
The disability pension given to Armed Forces Personnel are having two components-disability element & service element. Both are tax free vide Ministry of Finance notification read with clarification from CBDT and also there can not eb any TDS as the amount is fully tax free

3 Types of Pension to Armed Forces Completely Tax Free!

Armed forces of this country –be it Army, Navy, Air Force or CRPF or BSF and others are doing great service in the most difficult circumstances. As a mark of respect to them, this blog publishes article on tax issues and completely free to read.  I have already published two of the related posts – disability pension to armed forces and Pensions received by certain awardee. However, the kind of feedback, it is considered necessary to post a consolidated post on the subject of tax free pensions to Armed Forces Personnel.

Disability Pension is Tax Free & TDS Free!

Armed Forces personnel get the disability pension, which is aggregate of two components-disability pensions and service pension. On the question of its being tax free, the first thing to note is the fact that the tax exemption on the disability pension is not provided under section 10 or anywhere in the Income Tax Act. The disability pension has been made tax-free by executive instructions of the government.
You can read on this issue on the post titled No Tax or TDS on Disability Pension to Armed Forces

Pension Received by Gallantry Award Winners or His Family

The pension received by gallantry award holder and also family pension received by the member of the family of gallantry winner’s is tax free as per section 10(18) of the Income Tax Act . , Read the provision below :
 10 (18)any income by way of—
(i)  pension received by an individual who has been in the service of the Central Government or State Government and has been awarded “Param Vir Chakra” or “Maha Vir Chakra” or “Vir Chakra” or such other gallantry award as the Central Government may, by notification77 in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf;
(ii)  family pension received by any member of the family of an individual referred to in sub-clause (i).
Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, the expression “family” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation to clause (5);

 Section 10(18) l Gallantry Award Notification

No. SO 1048(E), dated 24-11-2000, as amended by Notification No. SO 81(E), dated 29-1-2001.
119. Income by way of pension received by an individual who has been in service of Central Government or State Government and has been awarded any gallantry award
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-clause (i) of clause (18) of section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies the gallantry awards for the purposes of the said section, mentioned in column 2 of the table below awarded in the circumstances as mentioned in corresponding column 3 thereof.
Sl. No.
Name of gallantry award
Circumstances for eligibility
Ashok Chakra
When awarded for gallantry.
Kirti Chakra
– do –
Shaurya Chakra
– do –
Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak
When awarded to civilians for bravery displayed by them in life saving acts.
Uttam Jeevan Raksha Medal
– do –
Jeevan Raksha Padak
– do –
President’s Police Medal for Gallantry
When awarded for acts of exceptional courage displayed by members of police forces, Central police or security forces and certified to this effect by the head of the department concerned.
Police Medal for Gallantry
– do –
Sena Medal
When awarded for acts of courage or conspicuous gallantry and supported by certificate issued to this effect by relevant service headquarters.
Nao Sena Medal
– do –
Vayu Sena Medal
– do –
Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
When awarded for acts of courage or conspicuous gallantry and supported by certificate issued to this effect by the last Head of Department.
President’s Police and Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
– do –
President’s Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
– do –
President’s Home Guards and Civil Defence Medal for Gallantry
– do –
Home Guards and Civil Defence Medal for Gallantry
– do –

 What is the Meaning of Family For Exemption Purpose

The meaning of family members is Explained under Section 10(5) of the Income Tax Act .
(i)             the spouse and children of the individual ; and
(ii)           (ii)the parents, brothers and sisters of the individual or any of them, wholly or mainly dependent on the individual

  Pension for Death on Duties of Armed Forces Personnel

Section 10(19) of the Income Tax Act provides that amount of pension received by the family members of armed forces personnel including Para-,military personnel who dies in certain circumstances in course of performing his /her duties , shall be tax free . The excerpt of the provision is given below :

(19)        family pension received by the widow or children or nominated heirs, as the case may be, of a member of the armed forces (including paramilitary forces) of the Union,where the death of such member has occurred in the course of operational duties, in such circumstances and subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed

 What are Condition Prescribed ?

Section 10(19) speaks of exemption of family pension when the death of Armed Forces or Para-Military personnel – has occurred in the course of operational duties in certain Circumstance which is prescribed in Rule 2 BBA
 (i) acts of violence or kidnapping or attacks by terrorists or anti-social elements;
(ii) action against extremists or anti-social elements;
(iii) enemy action in international war;
(iv) action during deployment with a peace keeping mission abroad;
(v) border skirmishes;
(vi) laying or clearance of mines including enemy mines as also mine sweeping operations;
(vii) explosions of mines while laying operationally oriented mine-fields or lifting or negotiation minefields laid by the enemy or own forces in operational areas near international borders or the line of control;
(viii) in the aid of civil power in dealing with natural calamities and rescue operations;
(ix) in the aid of civil power in quelling agitation or riots or revolts by
What Precaution Must Be taken for Exemption Deceased Family ?
As per Rule 2BBA (2), obtain a certificate  from the Head of the Department where the deceased member of the armed forces(including paramilitary forces) last served, or the service headquarters, as the case may be, that the death of such member has occurred in the course of operational duties in circumstances mentioned above 

 The Information book let from Army Hq web site is attached. Please refer to the page 14 of the book let for the Income Tax Exemptions allowed on Pensionary benefits.


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